Tuesday, March 18, 2008


By Nate

My family and I have a new ritual on Sunday mornings...taking walks/hikes. We love it! A couple of weeks ago my wife Alix and I were trying to find a place near our home that wasn't a beach walk. We already knew that Pacifica has one of the nicest beach trails on the Peninsula, along with Half Moon Bay's Coastal Trail, but what we encountered was a hidden gem.
San Pedro County Park in the "Back of the Valley" is a great group of trails and we are so happy we found it.
The first time we went we started out by going on the mile trail to southeast, and brought Maddox along in the stroller. This is a flat trail that is exactly a mile and is popular with runners and walkers.
Sunday was our second time. We bought a baby backpack so Maddox could hitch a ride on my shoulders this time. I thought the 22 lbs. was going to be too much for my walk but it turns out that it wasn't too bad. Our goal, reach the top of Montara Mountain...2.4 miles to the top. Rugged trail but not too bad...Absolutely beautiful!
There was something special about this walk. About two thirds of the way there, Alix and I were ready to turn around. We were not tired we just felt like it was time to go back down. As we looked to the north and could barely see the top of Twin Towers in SF we took a deep breath and agreed that we should set a goal to reach the top. We looked up and knew it was right there and so reachable, but for some reason, thought we should turn around.
We did it! And it was amazing...I mean, it wasn't Mt.Everest but we did see as far north to the Golden Gate and south to Mavericks in El Granada.
Alix and I are very happy we accomplished this goal. We talked about it after and reflected that we are constantly bombarded with people, media, and external pressures telling you to turn around. Our persistance proved that if you make a goal there is no better feeling that reaching it!

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