Sunday, September 23, 2007


Our Sunday's are usually dedicated to our clients and open houses. In this market, open houses are more important than ever. It is important for seller's to open their home especially for the first two weeks after the house is put on the market. Feedback from potential buyers is precious because there are things you can change such as moving furniture, trim a few branches, paint rooms, etc. But, there are also items that are unchangeable, such as, floor plan design, change countertops or even remodel. The bottom line, is that you can hear what they are saying.

For buyer's, on the other hand, it is a time for you to see a flurry of homes all in a day. You can also compare the neighborhood and also compare what is on the market. Most of the time, it is difficult for us to show 10 homes in a day. And when you can go at it alone it is nice to go at your own pace.
We love holding open houses, but we also like to be respected as professionals, not pushy agents. For those who do know us we are not heavy sales people and want to make visitors feel welcome when they visit a home.

What is your experience like when you visit an open house? How do most agents make you feel? What do you like about them? What don't you like?

I am interested...any comments?