Friday, September 07, 2007

"How's The Market, Nate?"
Posted by Nate 9/7/07

Who to believe, a specialist or the media? Do you believe the headline or the content? I have always been a cynic of mass media, especially what is on the news on television, because you never know what to believe! The only people I tend to truly believe are the stories from those "on the streets" or "in the battlefield".

I have been approached more than ever in my career by friends, family, and clients asking me "how's the market?" Before I respond, this question now is more than just an ice-breaker to an opening of a conversation. It is reality and they really want to know what the heck is going on.
Why not? Everyone else (i.e. media) says real estate is going down the proverbial toilet. I SAY "NAY!" The market is still okay. The person who holds the power to this question is your lender. They are monitoring this with a fine tooth comb. The same products that were there 6 months ago to buy a house, just are not there.

So, we are talking about the Bay Area everyone ( Or, what Woody, Tony and Ravi on Live 105.3, the Yay Area). Keep this in mind. It is not Vegas, not Merced, not Phoenix, or even Florida. We are blasted in our LOCAL newspapers with words of negativity. The culprits, Chronicle, Examiner, Mercury. But, do you read the headlines or the content?

Our answer to everyone is the same...the market is doing well. Homes are still selling and inventory is generally still low for this time of year. Today we are experiencing what the seasoned agents are calling a "normal" market - A fair and balanced playing field, where with effective pricing and great marketing, buyer's and seller's can come together and negotiate a sales price.

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